What the F*** is Edging and Gooning?
Gooning is all about making unique unfiltered content. We like getting strange with the content creation space. Edging is like being on the "edge of your seat." A viewer who edges to us when we goon is someone who is really interested in our content and loves to support us. That's definitely what those two words mean and I didn't just make this up. Do not look these words up on the internet.
You Want to Know Who I Am and Why I Made This Site?
Alright fine ya lil goofball, I'll tell ya. I'm Kody, GameTactician on Twitch and YouTube. I made this site because I wanted to try a new approach to networking. Everyone has a Discord to send their fans to, and I do too; but Discord is limited in its function. The hope with this website is that people I network with can send their fans to the homepage to see more streamers that I like and like to stream with. This should increase cross-traffic from our viewers (and also help people find more streamers like us who they're interested in watching). Since the site also includes the Twitch Chats from everyone's channels, they could also edgemax by watching a couple of us at the same time. Everyone will also have their own page on the website which will be a highly customizable link hub for anything they want to link you to. If you wanna check out those link hubs, they're in the GoonCave section at the top. I hope you like the site, I tried real hard!
Are you a content creator and want to join the Goon Cave? We're welcoming channels of all sizes so just enter your info on the right and I'll check out your channel and contact you soon!
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